School Nutrition Program Discontinued Due To Funding Cutbacks

  • Posted on: 28 April 2014
  • By: admin
Monday, April 28, 2014

The following memo was presented to Chief and Council today by Ontario Works Administrator David B. Fiddler.


To: Chief and Council
From: David B. Fiddler, Ontario Works Social Services Administrator
Date: April 28, 2014
RE: NCB – National Child Benefit Funding Cutback

Our department administers and delivers the NCB program, which includes: Nutrition program at the schools daily, and Physical Activities program, minor hockey, public skating, girls broomball, cultural/canoe, taekwondo, safety sports equipment, miscellaneous. We deliver these programs with our partners in the community.

On Friday, April 25, 2014, I received an email from Indian Affairs regarding NCB Call for Proposals 2014-2015. The funding for the program has been severely cut back. In previous years, we had received $622,800 per year. The 2014-2015 allocation has been set at $318,800 which represents a cutback of $304,000.

As a result, I have advised Northern Store to discontinue delivery of the nutrition snacks to the schools as of today. As it is, we have an outstanding account at Northern of $70,000 which will need to be paid from this year’s allocation. The deadline to submit this year’s funding is June 9, 2014 with expected approval within 10 days.

We will not be able to continue to deliver the nutrition program at the schools as it currently exists, with the daily deliveries. I have advised the schools. We will work with our partners, the schools, Diabetes program and Northern Store to see how the program will look like within the current realities. I would recommend that we continue the Christmas Food Hampers program.

If you require further information, details or clarification, please let me know. 

David B. Fiddler
Ontario Works Administrator 
Tel: 807-774-3421

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